Grupo Kuria

We generate customized financial solutions according your needs

Grupo Kuria is a financial consulting company which will let you grow financially through the access to the products of the capital market and financial system, guaranteeing excellent results. The success of our management is sustained by the professional background and experience of our executives in top level companies.

Our Compromise

Companies and Natural Persons
Companies that look for funding

Give companies with high expansion potential the possibility to obtain customized funding, in order to improve their liquidity position, accelerate the cash flow cycles, finance specific orders or projects, strengthen their patrimony through our financial models.

Natural and legal Persons that look to invest

Facilitate natural and legal persons with monetary surpluses, the access to competitive profitability with controlled risk levels.

What moves us

The commitment with our clients and stakeholders

Main Executives

Our Team
Aida Isabel Aguirre Higa CEO

Developed for 20 years as a Capital Market, Financial System, Fusions and Private Capital and Investment Acquisitions expert.

  • CEO at Diviso SAB
  • CEO NCF Servicios Compartidos (DIVISO GRUPO)
  • General Accountant Cooperativa ABACO, Investa SAB and Evol
  • Public Accountability at Universidad Ricardo Palma.
Manuel Gómez Rojas Director Comercial / CCO

Public Accountant with postgraduate studies in international Taxation and Transfer Prices in the International Tax Center of Leiden University and Local Taxation in Universidad de Lima.

  • Responsible for accountanting departments.
  • Outsourcing Manager for Accounting and Taxation.
  • Consultant in Taxation; for companies like Deloitte, IPESA S.A.C.
HUGO SALAZAR MERCADO Gerente de Operaciones / COO

Executive with 20 years of experience in Internal Control and Process Management in the Retail and Telecommunications sector.

  • Controller and Assistant Manager of Purchases for Tgestiona, part of Telefonica Group.
  • Revenue Assurance in Telefónica del Perú
  • Internal Control Manager in Retail stores for Ripley.
  • Eco. Of Universidad Mayor de San Marcos.
  • Master in Business Management – UNMSM.
Paola Fraguela Handal Legal and Compliance Manager

Developed as an Analist and Legal Consultant in Financial Institutions.

  • Credicorp Capital, Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP del Perú, y Diviso Grupo Financiero.
  • Universidad de Lima – Law Degree
  • Universidad ESAN - Master's degree in Banking, Corporate, Finance, and Securities Law.